Jan 1Liked by Jana Voykova | Яна Войкова

Great... A marvelous man

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I find it very hard to take your uncritical hagiography seriously. Pilger started out as a serious journalist but quickly descended into the "its all the West's fault" formula. How do you explain his grovelling and apologetics to regimes and dictators like Putin? He was ultimately an activist not a journalist (he was entitled to be of course but not to use the false label). Journalism's crisis is partly caused by people like Pilger. Remember the boy crying wolf - no one will believe you later when you are exposing a true issue once you are perceived as partisan.

I write from Australia and know his background well - he typifies the "white guilt ridden" bourgeois leftist. They are always victims, we are always at fault. I am really surprised you are so uncritical given you are Eastern European.

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