About me

By profession I’m a(n) (editorial) designer. However, journalism and the publishing industry have always fascinated me, when I was a teenager, I wanted to become a radio host but never really did anything about it - perhaps that’s one of the things I regret not doing.

I believe in the importance of journalism, although it has grown to have a bad name - probably because real journalists and quality reporting are so difficult to come by these days. At least in the mainstream press.

On the flip side, the technological revolution has enabled so many valuable and authentic voices to reach wide audiences which is perhaps one reason why we’re witnessing such harsh attempts to censor in the last couple of years.

I was born in Bulgaria 36 years ago, have lived abroad for short periods of time but I realised that my home country is actually not as bad as we Bulgarians like to think. Due to my origin, I have the benefit of experiencing first-hand how post-communist (or rather socialist) societies are making their transition to a so-called democracy, and I’m using The madness of crazy town as a space where I can reflect on this process and hopefully challenge my assumptions and opinions.

I’m both conservative-leaning and someone who holds what the present generation calls progressive ideas (although I don’t like being called a progressive, the word’s meaning has gone off to some very questionable directions, and I think people with traditional liberal views (me included) have today become ideologically homeless).

I agree with present-day democrats and liberals that living in an imperfect democracy is better than living in an outright autocracy but I don’t share their view that surrendering our fundamental civic liberties is a fair trade-off in that regard. We can live in real genuine democracies, but that is only possible by having a critically-thinking and politically active society, not tribal mentality and suppressing dissent. Those whose response is: “flawed democracy is still better than communism”, are sorrily missing the point.

Why subscribe?

If you appreciate somewhat rare/unpopular points of view (or you find my writing interesting), I’d be grateful to have you as a subscribed reader.

I write as a hobby and usually take time to polish my thinking and writing, so I’m not going to bombard your inbox with too frequent messages.

The topics that interest me the most are politics, morality and ethics, societal development, power and justice, the meaning of journalism. I hold strong opinions but I try to go around my biases and provide as complete and honest an analysis as I can on the issues I raise in my writings. I’m a work-in-progress with pretty much everything I do so I’m not afraid to be called out for being wrong - I’ll gladly apologise, correct the record, and try and learn from my mistakes.

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Occasional writings on the power of hypocrisy


I’m an opinionated designer based in Eastern Europe. I write about the illusions of Western democracy.